A series villain character from The Victor and The Bullet comics.

Artist Philpotts. © D.C. Thomson & Co. Ltd. Artist (S). © D.C. Thomson & Co. Ltd. Artist not known. © D.C. Thomson & Co. Ltd.

The above images show the different Smasher designs from series 1, 3 and 4.

See The Victor first series - Smasher, (58 - 65; 26th March - 19th May 1962) Africa.

Second series - The Smasher Awakens (350 - 361; 4th November 1967 - 20th January 1968). Africa.

Third series - The Smasher Strikes (387 - 398; 20th July 1968 - 5th October 1968). America.

Fourth series - The Smasher, published in The Bullet comic, issues 1 to ? Stories set in different cities of the world.

Writer(s):- The Victor/Bullet editorial teams?


Main cast:- First, second and third series, Harry Glasgow; fourth series Red Raglan and Ferret first series villain - Kubala; second series villain - Mister Latrumbo, of the African National Construction Company; third series villain - Martin Cuthbertson - mad scientist; fourth series - Doctor Doom.

Time period:- 1960's through to the 1980's.

The Smasher is an eight foot tall, powerful, steel robot that is controlled by various madmen, who are intent on using the mechanical machine for evil purposes. Under the control of its different masters, the Smasher true to its name is merciless in its destruction of humans, animals and structures. The large white circle in its head emits a powerful light beam that enables the robot to 'see' in the dark.

First Series - Smasher.

The robot is used to stop the construction of a dam that is being built somewhere in Africa. The foreman of the construction gang Glasgow Harry, is involved in the fight against the metal monster. Attempts by Harry to destroy the robot include burying it in a large hole, dropping it down a waterfall, while the army attempt to blow it up with tanks. None of which halt the metal giant's path of destruction. Harry and the army finally stop the Smasher by blocking its radio signals from its controller. They then follow the Smasher's signals back to its controller, Kubala. Kubala, an engineer had put in a tender to construct the Kabinda Dam, but hadn't been awarded the contract. In revenge he had built the Smasher and used it to stop the building of the dam. Kubala reasoned that if enough damage could be done, Harry would lose the contract and he Kubala, would be awarded it instead. Kubala is eventually killed by his own creation. At the end of the series with no signals to obey, the Smasher is last seen sinking into a bed of slimy mud.

The following adventure of the Smasher is from issue 64. Artwork by Philpotts.

Artist Philpotts. © D.C. Thomson Co. Ltd Artist Philpotts. © D.C. Thomson Co. Ltd

Second series - The Smasher Awakes!

Almost six and a half years later, the Smasher arises from its watery, slimy swamp miraculously free of rust corrosion to begin a new reign of terror. This time the Smasher is attempting to create havoc at the site of the Kwbala Suspension Bridge which Harry and his construction team are building. This time the robot succeeds in destroying not only the bridge but also the dam Harry built in the first series. The army and Royal Navy are involved in the hunt for the Smasher at an early stage in this series. Their efforts though to take the mechanical monster back to Britain for study result in the destruction of a helicopter and a naval vessel. An attempt by the army to use its own mechanical monster, a crab invented by Professor Owen, the Owen Combat-machine, Mark Four, presents an interesting challenge for the Smasher. To see how that confrontation ends, please view the following episode from issue 355.

As the situation gets more and more desperate, the authorities decide to use a small nuclear bomb to destroy the robot! Not surprisingly, the force of the explosion doesn't put the Smasher out of action. This is one big, tough robot! Mister Latrumbo, of the African National Construction Company, is the vilain in this series. Having used the Smasher to destroy the bridge and the dam, he then allows Harry to rebuild both structures. What is his plan? Unfortunately, I don't know as I don't have copies of the final two Victor issues. But as soon as I do, i'll update this page!

Artist (S). © D.C. Thomson Co. Ltd Artist (S). © D.C. Thomson Co. Ltd

Third series - The Smasher Strikes!

The third series opens with the the Smasher being exhibited in a space exhibition in New York, America. Cue the robot being activated and commencing a destructive rampage through America, causing panic wherever it appears. Harry also returns as an honoured guest of the museum showcasing the Smasher, so is on hand to provide guidance to the American military on how to tackle the mechanical monster.

Martin Cuthbertson the mad scientist villain for this series, is seeking revenge on America, because his theory about using static electricity to produce power hasn't been taken seriously by his fellow scientists. Cuthbertson's reign of terror comes to an end when the Smasher kills him. Unfortunately, the robot is still activated and finally Harry and the American military are able to stop the Smasher by destroying the small portable control device that was accidentally attached to the back of the robot. Harry destroys the box with a rifle shot. The deactivated robot is placed inside a rocket and blasted into space. The robot is last seen orbiting the Earth in a space capsule.

The name ‘Glasgow Harry’ is a very unusual name (well, south of Scotland it is anyway) and a quick search on the www reveals that there was a Glasgow Harry who is a former Scottish football defender, who retired in 1972. A connection maybe?

The following adventure of the Smasher is from The Victor issue 398.

Artist (S). © D.C. Thomson Co. Ltd Artist (S). © D.C. Thomson Co. Ltd Artist (S). © D.C. Thomson Co. Ltd

This wasn’t the end of the Smasher though. A new model reappeared in another D.C. Thomson comic The Bullet. Again controlled by a madman, Doctor Doom, bent on world domination, but being thwarted by two new characters Red Raglan and Ferret. Each weekly episode took place in a differnt city. The stories may not have been original, but the artwork by Ian Kennedy? makes up for the lack of plot.

The following adventure of the Smasher is from The Bullet issue 5.

Artist Kennedy? © D.C. Thomson Co. Ltd Artist Kennedy? © D.C. Thomson Co. Ltd Artist Kennedy? © D.C. Thomson Co. Ltd Artist Kennedy? © D.C. Thomson Co. Ltd

© Adrian Banfield, 2009.