The Hornet Index.

Last Updated September 2019. Note this is very much a work in progress page.

Please note that no Hornet annuals or summer specials were published. This index is a work in progress.

I would also like to thank the following people who have provided me with information for this index - Colin Noble, Jeremy Briggs, Steve Holland, Ray Moore and Jim Croasdale.

Notes on how to use this index.

  • Note - issue 588 is missing from the British Library's collection of Hornet Comics, thus I haven't been able to index this issue.

    Last issue of the Hornet is number 648.

    The index below is arranged A to Z by strip title, character and subject headings. Search for characters and artists by their surname.

    Please see the diagram below for explanation of how each entry should be read.

    Subject Headings include:-

  • Artists#
  • African themed stories
  • American themed stories
  • Australian themed stories
  • Canadian themed stories
  • Characters# series (that is, a character and main supporting cast (but not necessarily every character to appear in the series), appearing in one or several series in The Hornet).
  • Complete# one issue stories
  • Cover# stories of The Hornet, front and back.
  • Factual#, true stories
  • Far East# themed stories
  • Football# Teams
  • Games# (that is, "board games" published in the comic and annuals).
  • Historical# stories (Ancient; Medieval; Elizabethan).
  • Humorous# Stories
  • Indian themed stories (that is, the country India).
  • Middle East themed stories
  • Military# Medal Winners (true stories)
  • Norwegian themed stories
  • Police# Stories
  • Quizzes#
  • Secret# Service stories
  • Sci-fi# stories
  • Sport# stories
  • Text# stories (non-picture stories)
  • Western# stories
  • World War One# (fiction stories)
  • World War Two# (fiction stories)

    Note, if you are searching for a subject heading place an '#' after the first word to aid searching. For example, Artists# or Military# and so on. For World War One and Two stories, type World War One# and World War Two#.

    (Note I have now also added a '#' after each letter for example, A#, B# and so on, to assist with searching.)

    If your looking for a particular artist, look under the artist heading. For those wanting to know more about various artists, please check - Artist Identify page.

    Please note that there may be a few errors in the index, for which I apologise in advance. (I'll be proof reading and amending the index when time allows). But to the best of my knowledge the information below is accurate. If anyone spots any mistakes, please let me know.


  • ? = Confirmation required about the information. For example, which artist drew that particular strip or when a particular strip started or finished.
  • RP = The story has been reprinted.
  • A letter in brackets for example, (F) refer to unidentified artists.
  • col. = part or all of a story has been printed in colour.
  • A#
  • Abdul the Terrible (series character; sport; wrestling; humour; artist not known; featuring Abdul).
  • Across Antarctica (factual; story of Dr. Vivan Fuchs crossing Antarctica on the 24th Nov. 1957; artist Sturrock) 413.
  • Across Australia (factual; one page story of John McDougall Stuarts attempts to cross the Australia between 1860 - 1862; artist not known) 362.
  • Advert about the first issue of The Hornet appears in The Victor as a centre pull-out, printed on pink paper, issue 134.
  • African themed stories see
  • Ainsworth, Lord John (series character; Elizabethan era) see Swordsman of the Queen.
  • Akim, Sergeant (series character; police) see One Man on a Camel
  • Alfy's Elephant (series character; humour; featuring Alfie Stubbs; Harold the Elephant; artist not known, but style similar to the Bashford Street Kids).
  • Allen, Sergeant Bill (series character; WW2 Parachute Regiment; artist Leo Rawlings) see Sky Soldiers.
  • Allman, Bradley P. (series character; sport; boxing/wrestling; manager) see Silent Rock.
  • Alone in the Icelands (Dec. 1912; crossing and surviving the Antarctic waste Douglas Mawson, Dr. Metx, Lieutenant Ninnis; true front cover story; artist not known) 211.
  • Alone to the Niger (factual; Mungo Park, Scottish explorer, 1795, seeking true course of a river; artist not known) 45.
  • Aylmer, captain Fenton John (V.C.; for capture of Nilt Fort, Kashmir, 1891; then in 1896 saved another man; true front cover story; artist not known) 70.
  • Amazing Mister Cedric, The (series characters; sport; football; featuring Mister Cedric, a computer; Vic Wallace; Henry Huggett, club chairman).
  • American themed# stories (included S. American stories too); see also Westerns.
  • Ames, Jervis Sergeant (series character; WW2 Norwegian Commandos) see Vengeance of the Snow Wolf.
  • Anscombe, Sub-Lieutenant 'Tubby' (series character; WW2 RN) see Shadow Ship of Valetta.
  • Army of the Flames, The (series characters; sci-fi; featuring John Dobie (British), United Nations test pilot; Commander Elmhurst; artist Shone).
  • Army of the Shadows, The (series characters; WW2 Army, Far East; artist Leo Rawlings; featuring Sergeant 'Bendigo' Baron; Corporal Joe Latimer; Australian soldiers).
  • Artists#
  • Bring 'em Back Barret (WW2 RAF; North Africa; shot down pilot Sergeant Roger Barret gets back to allied lines; complete story; artist not known) 84.
  • Broke of the Shannon (American War of Independence; story and destruction of the American ship Shannon and Captain Broke by Captain James Lawrence; artist Winslade) 367.
  • Brown, Bobby (factual?; title – Black Saturday for Rangers; artist not known) 12.
  • Brown, Brutus (series character; police; Aboriginal character) see Barefoot Detective.
  • Brown, Lieutenant 'Shifty' (series; World War One, RFC) see One-Legged Crow, The.
  • Brown, P.C. (series character; policeman; adventure; Victorian age) see Spring-Heeled Jackson.
  • Buffalo Billena (series character; Mexico 16th century; featuring William Downey; artist not known).
  • Buffalo Billena (series character; helping Hopi Indians fight against Spanish Conquistadors;artist not known).
  • Buffalo Boy (series character; western; artist Felix Carrion; featuring Keeper, a young Sioux boy).
  • Bunting, Bert (series character; sport; cricket) see Runs That Count, It’s.
  • Burma Bell, The (factual; Third Burma War 1885; Royal Welch Fusiliers bought back to Britain a Burma Bell after the campaign; artist not known) 93.
  • Buzzes from the pop field (news from the pop music world). Starts in issue 466, then in most issues through to 486.
  • Byers, William (Albert Medal; 31st July, 1878; Harlow shipwrecked on Tung Sha Bank; true front cover story; artist not known) 197.
  • Byrne, Trooper Tom (V.C.; Battle of Omdurman; Sept. 1898; 21st Lancers; a Men in Battle story; true front cover story; artist not known) 33.
  • C#
  • Cairney,'Big' Joe and his sons Dan, Jake and Peter (series; sci-fi) see Day of the Dragon, The.
  • Cairns, Charlie (series character; manager; sport boxing) see Champion Nobody Knew, The.
  • Calvert, Ensign Hugo (series character; adventure Ceylon) see Search For The Sacred Tooth, The.
  • Calvin, Peter (adventure; secret service) see Sign of the Fifth Dagger.
  • camp of Broken Men (series character; sport; ?; artist ?; featuring ?).
  • Campbell, Private Jack (series character; WW1 Army) see Campbell of the Camels.
  • Campbell of the Camels (series characters; WW1 Army, North Africa; artist not known - Richardson?; featuring Private Jack Campbell).
  • Canadian# themed stories see
  • Captain Coffins Death Ship! (early 19th century Whaleship was attacked by natives in the Marshall islands; true front cover story; artist Farrugia) 69.
  • Captain January (series character; WW2 Royal Military Police) see January, Captain.
  • Captain Hornet (series character; ‘superhero’) see Hornet, Captain.
  • Carradine, ‘Frenchy’ (series character; villain; adventure) see Run Till You Drop.
  • Carter, Corporal Andy (series character; WW2 Army, S.A.S. Quarter-master; humour) see Corporal 'Q'- Can Do!
  • Carter, Flying Officer Jack (series character; sci-fi) see Day of the Drakkens.
  • Carter, Sergeant (series character; New York policeman. Met Ransom in Dundee , Scotland during WW2) see Big Palooka, The.
  • Carter, Sergeant Jack (series character; Victorian times, fighting in a lost world in Abyssinia, Africa) see Lost Platoon, The.
  • Casey, Jack (series character; sport; football) see Mudtown Marvels, The.
  • Casper, Billy (series character; sport; ice-skating) see Golden Blades, The.
  • Cass, Monty (series character; WW2; Secret Service; artist Farrugia) Spy in the Suitcase.
  • Cast, Hook and Strike (series characters; artist Sutherland; featuring Joe and Ernie Dodds.)
  • Cat's Eyes Cooney (complete story; WW2 RAF; use of experimental Radar Beaufighter; artist Horak?; featuring Flight Lieutenant Max Cooney; Flying Officer Ron Sutton) 151?
  • "Cat-fish" Keane's Biggest Catch (modern western; complete story; artist not known) 605.
  • Champion Nobody Knew, The (series characters; sport; boxing; artist Sutherland; featuring Mr. Pearson; Charlie Cairns, Manager; Mel Mitchell, trainer; Vale, Mr. Pearson’s valet.)
  • Champions Don't Pull Punches (complete story; sport; boxing; training Jack Daniel not to pull punches; artist not known) 648.
  • Champagne Bottle Staff of the Munsters, The (factual; Sikh Wars; Battle of Sobraon, 10th Feb. 1846; Two British East India Company officers fought two Sikhs with a bottle. The bottle was then made into the Drum Major's staff of the Royal Munster Fusiliers; artist not known) 96.
  • Characters# series
  • Chard, Colonel (series character; Indian Political Service) see Sword of Kali.
  • Charge of the Football Brigade (factual; Combat men in battle; WW1 France 1916; B Company 08th East Surrey charged across no-mans land kicking footballs; artist not known; cover story) 20.
  • Cheeser, Super-Chimp (series character; humour) see Chimps Don't Talk.
  • Chimps Don't Talk (series characters; humour; featuring Cheeser, Super-Chimp; artist James Malcolm).
  • Chubb, Luke (series character; thief; sci-fi) see Full Speed Ahead to the Worlds of Fear.
  • Chum, the Alsatian police dog (text; police; series character) see Vengeance on Four Legs.
  • Claudius, an aboriginal boy (sport; pony trotting; series character) see Moorak, the Little Racer.
  • Clue of the Speckled Swan (adventure; complete story; artist not known; boy breaks up an Cup Final ticket forgery scam) 64.
  • Coarse Fish and How to Catch Them (factual; description of various types of ships; artist not known) 425.
  • Coconut Charlie (WW2 RAF; shot down pilot survived on an island using coconuts; complete story; artist Philpotts) 404.
  • Colonel Crackpot's Circus (series characters; humour; artist Malcolm Judge; note series originally published in The Beano).
  • Colorado Kid, The (series character; humorous; artist (J); featuring Spud Brannigan; Doctor Strong; ‘Gunboat’ Smith)
  • Commerell, Lieutenant (V.C. & French Legion of Honour; Crimean War; Oct. 1855 raid on Russians; Petty Officer Rickard V.C. & French Legion of Honour; Able Seaman Milestone V.C.; title - Raiders Came at Dawn, The; artist Farrugia) 51.
  • Complete# one issue stories.
  • Congo Canary, The (series character; humorous; artist (j); featuring Jim Harrison)
  • Coonskin Grenadier (WW2 Army; series characters; humour; artist for all series Sutherland; featuring Zeb Flood, American Hilly Billy; Sergeant-Major Minchin).
  • Cope, Doctor (series character; adventure) see Run Till You Drop.
  • Corporal 'Q'- Can Do! (series character; WW2 Army, S.A.S. Quarter-master; humour; featuring Corporal Andy Carter; Private Lofty; artist not known; note - episodes not published in consecutive issues).
  • Cossack From the Old Kent Road, The (WW2 Army; drafted into the Russian Army to drive a truck, escapes with American soldiers; complete story; artist not known) 228.
  • Courage of Captain Carlson, The (factual; American freighter 'Flying Enterprise' in trouble during storm Boxing Day, 1951 in the Atlantic, Carlson eventually saved his ship, January 11th 1952; artist not known) 624.
  • Cover# stories of The Hornet, front and back. (Note - all stories are of true factual events).
  • Crackpot, Colonel (series character; humour) see Colonel Crackpot's Circus.
  • Crackshot of Crete, The (complete story; WW2 RAF; March 1942; a timid Aircraftman Horace Potts, shooting down German fighters, after they destroyed a valuable antique vase; artist not known) 624.
  • Craig, Sergeant Bill (WW2 Army; series character) see Fuzzy Wuzzy Phantoms, The.
  • Crimp, Cuthbert (humour; western; series character) see Mighty Mouth!
  • Crimson Kangeroo, The (series characters; between world war's flying adventure, crossing the Atlantic Ocean; artist Shone; featuring Squadron Leader Jock Graham; Flight Lieutenant 'Sailor' Hartley).
  • D##
  • Dandy of the Death's Head Hussars (series characters; WW1 Army; artist Leo Rawlings; 'Warforce'; featuring Lieutenant Lord Vere Mountby; Captain Jim Warren; Private Jenkins).
  • Dandy and the Rebel, The (1777 American War of Independence skirmish between 42nd Highlanders and Americans; Sergeant Jock MacGregor knocked out, but saved by an American; artist "S"; true front cover story) 48.
  • Darli (series character; circus make-up artist, assistant to John Bright in issue 103 only; crime) see Bent Copper, The.
  • Davidson, Dan (series character; sport) see Dopey Dan.
  • Daw, sergeant Jack (series; humour; Australian Police) see Harry the Camel.
  • Dawkins, Albert - an enquiry agent (series character; sport; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It's.
  • Dawson John and Brian (adventure; series characters) see Shadow Men of the Sahara.
  • Dawson, Johnnie (WW2 adventure; Pacific Ocean; series character) see Dolphin Patrol.
  • Day of the Dragons (series characters, underground tunnellers; sci-fi; dinosaurs; artist Carrion?; featuring father 'Big' Joe Cairney and sons Dan, Jake and Peter).
  • Day of the Drakkens (series characters; sci-fi; featuring Squadron Leader Grant Nelson; Flying Officer Jack Carter; Mace; artist Kearon?).
  • Deadline at Dawn! (WW2 RN frogmen; clearing the sea-bed of German defences in advance of British attack; Lieutenant Greg Peterson; complete story; artist Horak?) 211. RP 633.
  • Deadline Dan: the Headline Man (series character; Australian journalist; present day; artist not known)
  • Death Duel in the Atlantic (WW2 RAF; 1943; Wing Commander Ronald Thompson surviving at sea; true front cover story; artist Farrugia) 201.
  • Death in the Swamp (complete story; young John Dunn sets off after a killer elephant in Zululand; artist Ripol) 502.
  • Death Switch (WW2 RAF; complete story; artist not known) 94.
  • Deeds of Glory (true military factual stories).
  • Deep Sea Commandos (series characters; WW2 RN; artist not known; featuring Lieutenant Brad Jones; Petty Officer Greg Roberts. Note a second series followed the pair’s adventures after WW2.)
  • Defenders of the Rock (Story of how the Barbary Apes got to Gibralter; true front cover story; artist Farrugia) 92.
  • Denham, Thomas (George Medal; Glasgow docker 5,6 & 7th May saved lives during Clydebank bombing raid; true front cover story; title - Hero With The Hook, The Battlers of the Blitz; artist Philpotts) 111.
  • Dexter of Squad 'D' (series characters; WW2 Army, Royal Engineers, 1940; artist not known; featuring Sergeant Dexter; Private Walker).
  • Die Hard Drummond (WW2 Commandos; complete story; artist not known) 413.
  • Diggers Were There, The (series characters; WW1 & 2 army; artist Winslade, unless otherwise stated; featuring Joe Lindsay; Bill Hicks)
  • Dixon, Danny (series character; all about music) see Go, Man, Go!
  • Dobie, John (series; sci-fi; series character; United Nations test pilot) see Army of the Flames.
  • Dolphin Patrol (series character; WW2 Pacific Ocean; artists Shone & unknown; featuring Johnnie Dawson; Flash, the dolphin).
  • Don't Mock the Crock! (complete one issue story; vintage car rally; artist not known; featuring Pete Johnson; Jonah, 1913 Standish Special car) 3.
  • Doone, Sir John (series character; western) see Boss of the Ghost Herd.
  • Dopey Dan (series character; sport; text; humour; featuring Dan Davidson; groundsman at Carthouse sports ground; artist not known).
  • Duel in Dixon City (western; Pinkerton agent; complete story; artist not known, but the same as 13 Knots) 354.
  • Duels of Lucky Loder (series character; western; artist not known; featuring Lucky Loder).
  • Duffy 'Plum' Somerest (series character; adventure) see Greg Stewart - Special Agent.
  • Dunn, Sergeant Bill (series character; policeman) see Big Palooka, The.
  • Dodds, Ernie (series character; sport; fishing; related to Joe Dodds) see Cast, Hook and Strike).
  • Dodds, Joe (series character; sport; fishing; related to Ernie Dodds) see Cast, Hook and Strike).
  • Drake, Sergeant (series characters; WW2 Army Gilders) see Lion With Wings, The.
  • Driver, Tom Leading Seaman (series character; WW2 RN; complete story each issue; artist Winslade; featuring Leading Seaman Tom Driver).
  • Dusty (series character; humour; artist not known; featuring Dusty; note series does not appear in consecutive issues).
  • E#
  • Eagles of Kambut (series character; WW1; Himalayas; artist Carrion; featuring Lim, a Gurkha boy).
  • Eleven Little Soccer Boys (series characters; sport; football; artist Marti; featuring Danny Hawke, football manager; Joe Kenton, trainer; Silvester J. (Tight wad) Tyson; Ashfield Rovers).
  • Ellyk, Jimmy (series character; sport; motorbike racing) see Mister Frozen Face.
  • Elmhurst, Commander (series character; sci-fi) see Army of the Flames.
  • Experiment X (series characters; text; sci-fi; featuring Professor Neil Sherwood; Jim Barlow; artist Sturrock).
  • Eye That Never Lies, The (complete story; adventure; TV cameramen; artist Leo Rawlings?) 536.
  • F#
  • Factual#, true stories
  • Far East# themed stories see
  • Falcon, Major (series characters; WW2; text) see Bluff's our Business.
  • Farchard (series characters; historical series) see Sword of the Fighting Farchards.
  • Farrugia, ‘Harry’ Henricus (artist) see Artists.
  • Fenwick, John (WW2 Secret Service) see Twelve Days to Save Britain.
  • Fernandez, Edmundo (artist; also known as Ripol) see Artists.
  • Fielding That Counts, It’s (series; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It’s.
  • Fifth Wicket Foster (series character; cricket) see Wickets That Count, It’s.
  • Fighters of Force K, The (complete story; WW2 Army; featuring Captain Dave Crowly fighting with Sean Casey plantation manager, in Burma against the Japs; artist Horak) 625
  • Fighting planes of World War Two, Story of (factual; true stories; series; various artists).
  • Fighting Terrier of the 24th Foot (story of Dick the dog at Rorke's Drift; true front cover story; artist not known) 94.
  • Fights For The Flag (series).
  • Find, Fix and Strike (a Deeds of Glory story; complete story; WW2 Fleet Air Arm; artist not known) 13.
  • Fire Aboard the Sarah Sands (factual; saving of the ship after a fire broke out 11/12 November 1857; artist not known) 615.
  • Fire Down Below (complete story; factual?; American clipper 'Hornet'; Tom Thatch, cabin boy saves ships rations, after ship catches fire whilst at sea; artist Philpotts) 459.
  • First of the Iron Men, The (series characters; ironsmith maker of swords; ancient Briton, 700 B.C.; featuring Muntar, son of Chief Irgud; artist Leo Rawlings).
  • First Prize (WW1 RN; use of a German schooner as a British "Q" ship; true front cover story; artist Winslade?) 198.
  • Fitch, Bert (series; sport; boxing; humour) see Handsome Harry.
  • Fitzsimons, Chris (writer of scripts) see Writers.
  • Five Minutes From Disaster (adventure; preventing the destruction of the bridge in mountainous region of Pakistan; complete story; artist not known) 360.
  • Five Tough Tests for ‘Lofty’ Foster (series characters; sport; athletics; featuring ’Lofty’ Foster; artist Ripol).
  • Flash, a dolphin (WW2 adventure; series character; friend to Johnnie Dawson; Pacific Ocean) see Dolphin Patrol.
  • Floating Man, The (Paul Boyton, series character; adventure; late 19th century; artist Ripol)
  • Floating Thing, The (series character; text; sci-fi; Merchant Navy; artist Sturrock; featuring Ken Stoker).
  • Flood, Zeb (WW2 Army; series character; humour; American Hilly Billy) see Coonskin Grenadier.
  • Flying Tiger, The (series character; WW2; writer Fitzsimons; artist Farrugia; featuring Sergeant Harry Barker; Squadron Leader Partridge).
  • Flynn of the Fighting Horse-Doctors (WW2 Army; series character; humour; artist unknown; featuring Private Wilf Flynn; Captain Potter).
  • Fogarty's Fists (complete story; WW2 Army; Gunner Tim Fogarty captured, but escapes from Germans in time to get back to London for a boxing match; artist not known) 632.
  • Football# Teams (note - this entry only features those teams that appear more than once)